Preparing For Surgery
Take note of your fasting time – you MUST NOT have anything to eat or drink after this time.
What to bring to the hospital:
- Your Theatre Folder provided to you at your pre operative consent appointment with Dr Rando.
- Any medications and list of medications
- Your overnight bag – have comfortable, loose clothing to allow dressing after surgery being mindful that your arm will be in a sling, patients have found that button up shirts or loose coats are best.

Admitting At Hospital
On arrival at the hospital, please see the admission staff and hand them your Theatre Folder. The admissions team will go through your documentation and complete your health check.
Post Surgery
Once your surgery is complete you will be moved to the ward.
When you wake up from surgery you will have a local anaesthetic infusion catheter in your shoulder, which will make your arm feel numb, in some cases, patients may be unable to move their arm and or fingers. This numbness will usually wear off in the early hours of the following morning.
The first night following surgery can be uncomfortable until your pain management requirements are determined. Nursing staff will prescribe regular pain medications as as well as charted break thru medications if patients are in a lot of pain.
Dr Rando will see you on the ward the next morning following your surgery.

Find us here
Level 2 - Building G, Southport Central 27 Garden Street (carpark entrance via Lawson St) Southport