Prior To Surgery
Please ensure you discuss your pain management with your anaesthetist. There are several inpatient phases following surgery and our aim is for you to be as comfortable as possible within the safety limits of pain medications. It is normal for you to have pain in your shoulder after surgery, but we will endeavour to reduce this as much as possible.
Pain Relief In Hospital
During surgery your anaesthetist will give you pain relieving drugs with the aim of making you comfortable when you wake from surgery. At the end of the surgical procedure local anaesthetic is injected into your shoulder joint and around the skin incisions. In the recovery room if you still have pain, the nurses will give you pain relieving medication via your intravenous drip. They will ensure that you are comfortable before you are transferred to the ward. Whilst in recovery and on the ward please inform the nurses if you have pain. After surgery details of your prescribed pain medication will be on the ward, these will include: injections of strong painkillers such as Morphine when required and a Local Anaesthetic Infusion “Pain Control Infusion Pump (PCIP)”. The PCIP will automatically administer a constant flow of local anaesthetic into the operative area.
More in formation of the PCIP can be found by clicking on the link below.
The Pain Control Infusion PumpPain Relief At Home
On discharge your anaesthetist will provide strong pain medication/s for you to take home. You will have 4 days supply of oral medication. You will need to make an appointment to see your GP to review pain management and to get another prescription if required. It is strongly recommend you schedule this appointment once your surgery date is confirmed.
It is very important that you write down the time and the name of each medication you take so to ensure there is no confusion as to which medications you have taken.
Other Information
Sleeping Position
It is very difficult to get comfortable in the first few weeks after surgery. If you have access to a recliner or armchair, you will find it easier to get some sleep.
Ice Packs/Dry Cold Packs
We strongly recommend the use of ice packs, especially after exercise (once you are cleared to do so). The simplest ice pack is a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel.

Find us here
Level 2 - Building G, Southport Central 27 Garden Street (carpark entrance via Lawson St) Southport